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Appendix A Notation

Symbol Description Location
\(\real^m \) \(m\)-dimensional vector space Item 1
\(\len{\xvec}\) the (Euclidean) norm of a vector Definition 1.1.11
\(I_n\) \(n\)-dimensional idenity matrix Item d
\(A^\top\) transpose of matrix \(A\) Paragraph
\(\evec_j\) Colunn \(j\) of an identity matrix. This column vector has a 1 in row \(j\) and 0s everywhere else. Paragraph
\(h \circ g\) The coposition of functions \(g\) and \(h\text{.}\) \((h \circ g)(x) = h(g(x))\text{.}\) Paragraph
\(\langle a, b, c\rangle\) horizontal vector notation, equivalent to \(\threevec {a}{b}{c}\) Assemblage
\(\proj{\yvec}{\vvec}\) the projection of \(\yvec\) in the direction of \(\vvec\) Paragraph
\(\vvec \perp \wvec\) the vectors \(\vvec\) and \(\wvec\) are orthogonal Definition 6.1.10
\(R^2\) the coefficient of determination Definition 6.5.11
\(X_{i \cdot}\) The \(i\)th row of a matrix \(X\) Paragraph
\(X_{\cdot j}\) The \(j\)th column of a matrix \(X\) Paragraph