2 Types of Grammars

Type 0: no restrictions

Type 1 (context sensitive): only two types of rules allowed

  • \(lAr \to lwr\) where

    • \(l, r \in V^*\)
    • \(A \in N\)
    • \(w \in V^+\) [That is, \(w \neq \lambda\).]
    • shorthand: [left][nonterminal][right] \(\to\) [left][non-empty][right]
  • \(S \to \lambda\)
    • shorthand: [start] \(\to\) [empty string]
    • If the rule is used, the the start symbol may not appear on the right side of any rule, so other rules become [left][non-empty without start symbol][right].

Type 2 (context free): only one type of rule allowed

  • \(A \to w\) where

    • \(A\) is a single nonterminal symbol
    • \(w \in V^*\) (so no restriction here)
  • shorthand: [nonterminal] \(\to\) [any string]

Type 3 (regular): Three types of rules allowed

  • [nonterminal] \(\to\) [terminal] [non terminal] (Example: \(A \to bC\))
  • [nonterminal] \(\to\) [terminal] (Example: \(A \to b\))
  • [start] \(\to\) [empty string] (Example: \(S \to \lambda\))

A regular/context free/context sensitive language is a language that can be generated by a regular/context free/context sensitive grammar.

  1. For each grammar we have seen so far, determine whether it is regular, context free, context sensitive. (Some grammars will be more than one. All grammars are type 0.)

  2. True or false: Every grammar of type \(n\) is a grammar of type \(n-1\).

2.1 Backus-Naur Form (BNF) for Context Free Grammars

Shorthand notation for type 2 grammars.

  • nonterminals denoted with \(\langle \rangle\).
  • \(\to\) written as ::=
  • All rules with same nonterminal on left written together with the list of possible right sides separated by |.

Example: If we have production rules \(A \to Aa\), \(A \to a\), and \(A \to AB\), we will write

<A> ::= <A>a | a | <A><B>

BNF for ALGOL 60 identifier

<identifier> ::= <letter> | <identifier><letter> | <identifier><digit>
<letter> ::= a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z
<digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

BNF for signed integer

<signed integer> ::= <sign><integer>
<sign> ::= + | - 
<integer> ::= <digit> | <digit><integer>
<digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

BNF specification for Java

You can find BNF for various programming languages online. For example: https://users-cs.au.dk/amoeller/RegAut/JavaBNF.html has a BNF specification for Java.


  1. Why does BNF notation only work for context free grammars?

  2. For each context free grammar we have seen, give its BNF representation.