\[ \LARGE \mbox{posterior} \propto \mbox{prior} \cdot \mbox{liklihood} \]
LengthGrid <-
mu = seq(15, 30, length.out=101),
sigma = seq(0, 20, length.out = 101)
) %>%
filter(sigma > 0) %>%
logprior =
dnorm(mu, mean = 25, sd=10, log = TRUE) +
dunif(sigma, 0, 20, log = TRUE),
loglikelihood =
mu, sigma,
~ sum(dnorm(KidsFeet$length, mean = .x, sd = .y, log= TRUE))
logposterior = logprior + loglikelihood,
posterior = exp(logposterior) / sum(exp(logposterior))
## # A tibble: 6 x 6
## mu sigma logprior loglikelihood logposterior posterior
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 15 0.2 -6.72 -46885. -46892. 0
## 2 15 0.4 -6.72 -11728. -11735. 0
## 3 15 0.6 -6.72 -5228. -5235. 0
## 4 15 0.8 -6.72 -2959. -2966. 0
## 5 15 1 -6.72 -1912. -1919. 0
## 6 15 1.2 -6.72 -1346. -1353. 0
LengthGrid %>%
gf_contour_filled( posterior ~ mu + sigma) %>%
gf_contour( posterior ~ mu + sigma, color = "white")
LengthGrid %>%
gf_contour_filled( posterior ~ mu + sigma) %>%
gf_contour( posterior ~ mu + sigma, color = "white") %>%
gf_lims(x = c(24, 25.5), y = c(0, 3))
## Warning: Removed 9935 rows containing non-finite values (stat_contour_filled).
## Warning: Removed 9935 rows containing non-finite values (stat_contour).
LengthGrid <-
mu = seq(23, 26, length.out=101),
sigma = seq(0, 3, length.out = 101)
) %>%
filter(sigma > 0) %>%
logprior =
dnorm(mu, mean = 25, sd=10, log = TRUE) +
dunif(sigma, 0, 20, log = TRUE),
loglikelihood =
mu, sigma,
~ sum(dnorm(KidsFeet$length, mean = .x, sd = .y, log= TRUE))
logposterior = logprior + loglikelihood,
posterior = exp(logposterior) / sum(exp(logposterior))
## # A tibble: 6 x 6
## mu sigma logprior loglikelihood logposterior posterior
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 23 0.03 -6.24 -100877. -100883. 0
## 2 23 0.06 -6.24 -25171. -25177. 0
## 3 23 0.09 -6.24 -11162. -11168. 0
## 4 23 0.12 -6.24 -6264. -6270. 0
## 5 23 0.15 -6.24 -4001. -4007. 0
## 6 23 0.18 -6.24 -2774. -2780. 0
LengthGrid %>%
gf_contour_filled( posterior ~ mu + sigma) %>%
gf_contour( posterior ~ mu + sigma, color = "white")
Data: KidsFeet$length
Likelihood: \(h \sim \operatorname{Norm}(\mu, \sigma)\)
\(\mu\) depends on width: \(\mu = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \cdot \mbox{width}\)
Prior – we need priors for 3 parameters: \(\beta_0\), \(\beta_1\), \(\sigma\)
For this simple example, we will use uniform priors for each, but these are not particularly good priors
We still need specify the boundaries for the uniform distributions; we’ll start with some pretty wide uniform priors.
FootGrid <-
beta_0 = seq(-20, 20, length.out = 101),
beta_1 = seq(-1, 10, length.out = 101),
sigma = seq(0, 10, length.out = 101)
) %>%
filter(sigma > 0) %>%
logprior = 0 + 0 + 0, # uniform priors
loglikelihood =
list(beta_0, beta_1, sigma),
~ sum(dnorm(KidsFeet$length,
mean = ..1 + ..2 * KidsFeet$width,
sd = ..3,
log = TRUE),
na.rm = TRUE)
logposterior = logprior + loglikelihood,
posterior = exp(logposterior)
## # A tibble: 6 x 7
## beta_0 beta_1 sigma logprior loglikelihood logposterior posterior
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 -20 -1 0.1 0 -5631792. -5631792. 0
## 2 -20 -1 0.2 0 -1407934. -1407934. 0
## 3 -20 -1 0.3 0 -625749. -625749. 0
## 4 -20 -1 0.4 0 -351990. -351990. 0
## 5 -20 -1 0.5 0 -225283. -225283. 0
## 6 -20 -1 0.6 0 -156456. -156456. 0
A plot of the joint posterior is trickier now since we have 3 parameters, so we would need a 4-d plot. So we would like to look at some marginal distributions instead. (And we also want to took at maginals in the previous example.)
We could compute marginals from a grid by summing over rows that have the same value for one or more of the paramters. (This is like adding along rows or columns in the freqency tables we looked at a few days ago.)
But we will opt for a different method based on sampling. We do this for two reasons:
The idea is to generate a large random sample from the posterior distribution. Of course, we want to sample more often where the posterior is larger. We can do this using slice_sample()
FootPosteriorSamples <-
FootGrid %>%
slice_sample(n = 1e4, weight_by = posterior, replace = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 6 x 7
## beta_0 beta_1 sigma logprior loglikelihood logposterior posterior
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 12 1.42 1 0 -55.6 -55.6 7.23e-25
## 2 4 2.3 1 0 -57.3 -57.3 1.26e-25
## 3 8 1.86 1 0 -55.5 -55.5 8.13e-25
## 4 8 1.86 1 0 -55.5 -55.5 8.13e-25
## 5 8 1.86 1 0 -55.5 -55.5 8.13e-25
## 6 9.2 1.75 1 0 -56.2 -56.2 3.93e-25
Marginals for individual parameters:
FootPosteriorSamples %>%
gf_histogram(~ beta_0, bins = 20) |
FootPosteriorSamples %>%
gf_dens(~ beta_1, adjust = 3) |
FootPosteriorSamples %>%
gf_dens(~ sigma, adjust = 3)
Marginals for pairs of parameters:
FootPosteriorSamples %>%
gf_density2d(beta_1 ~ beta_0) |
FootPosteriorSamples %>%
gf_density2d(sigma ~ beta_0) |
FootPosteriorSamples %>%
gf_density2d(sigma ~ beta_1)
Let’s refine our grid a bit – zooming in on the region where the posterior density is largest.
FootGrid2 <-
beta_0 = seq(0, 20, length.out = 101),
beta_1 = seq(0.5, 3, length.out = 101),
sigma = seq(0.2, 3, length.out = 101)
) %>%
filter(sigma > 0) %>%
logprior = 0 + 0 + 0, # uniform priors
loglikelihood =
list(beta_0, beta_1, sigma),
~ sum(dnorm(KidsFeet$length,
mean = ..1 + ..2 * KidsFeet$width,
sd = ..3,
log = TRUE),
na.rm = TRUE)
logposterior = logprior + loglikelihood,
posterior = exp(logposterior)
## # A tibble: 6 x 7
## beta_0 beta_1 sigma logprior loglikelihood logposterior posterior
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0 0.5 0.2 0 -200074. -200074. 0
## 2 0 0.5 0.228 0 -153949. -153949. 0
## 3 0 0.5 0.256 0 -122115. -122115. 0
## 4 0 0.5 0.284 0 -99224. -99224. 0
## 5 0 0.5 0.312 0 -82215. -82215. 0
## 6 0 0.5 0.34 0 -69233. -69233. 0
FootPosteriorSamples <-
FootGrid2 %>%
slice_sample(n = 1e4, weight_by = posterior, replace = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 6 x 7
## beta_0 beta_1 sigma logprior loglikelihood logposterior posterior
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 9.4 1.7 1.15 0 -56.0 -56.0 4.68e-25
## 2 9.6 1.68 0.900 0 -55.8 -55.8 5.81e-25
## 3 13.2 1.27 1.04 0 -56.1 -56.1 4.51e-25
## 4 9.6 1.65 1.29 0 -58.4 -58.4 4.24e-26
## 5 7.4 1.95 1.38 0 -59.2 -59.2 1.89e-26
## 6 5.4 2.12 1.29 0 -58.7 -58.7 3.37e-26
Marginals for individual parameters:
FootPosteriorSamples %>%
gf_histogram(~ beta_0, bins = 20) |
FootPosteriorSamples %>%
gf_dens(~ beta_1, adjust = 3) |
FootPosteriorSamples %>%
gf_dens(~ sigma, adjust = 3)
Marginals for pairs of parameters:
FootPosteriorSamples %>%
gf_density2d(beta_1 ~ beta_0) |
FootPosteriorSamples %>%
gf_density2d(sigma ~ beta_0) |
FootPosteriorSamples %>%
gf_density2d(sigma ~ beta_1)
That gives us a better picture of what the posterior really looks like.
We could summarize the posterior distribution by computing our “best estimate” for each parameter. That best estimate could be chosen use one of several different summaries. The most commonly used are
Here we compute the meidan and the mean.1
df_stats( ~ beta_0 + beta_1 + sigma, data = FootPosteriorSamples, mean, median)
## response mean median
## 1 beta_0 9.813700 9.80
## 2 beta_1 1.657840 1.65
## 3 sigma 1.062126 1.04
But typically we want to convey the uncertainty as well, so…
You may be familiar with confidence intervals from previous courses. The nearest equivalent to that in Bayesian inference is the HPDI.
Several packages (pretty much any package that works with bayesian models) provide a way to compute these intervals.
HPDI(FootPosteriorSamples$beta_1, prob = 0.95)
## |0.95 0.95|
## 1.025 2.300
mode_hdi(FootPosteriorSamples, beta_1)
## # A tibble: 1 x 6
## beta_1 .lower .upper .width .point .interval
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 1.64 1.02 2.3 0.95 mode hdi
gf_dens(~ beta_1, data = FootPosteriorSamples) %>%
0 ~ beta_1 + .lower + .upper,
data = mode_hdi(FootPosteriorSamples, beta_1)
plot_post(FootPosteriorSamples$beta_1, hdi_prob = 0.95)
## $posterior
## ESS mean median mode
## var1 10000 1.65784 1.65 1.644868
## $hdi
## prob lo hi
## 1 0.95 1.025 2.3
mcmc_dens(FootPosteriorSamples, pars = "beta_1")
mcmc_hist(FootPosteriorSamples, pars = "beta_1")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
FootQ <-
length ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
mu <- beta_0 + beta_1 * width,
beta_0 ~ dunif(-20, 20),
beta_1 ~ dunif(-1, 20),
sigma ~ dunif(0.1, 20)
data = KidsFeet
FootQPostSamples <- FootQ %>% extract.samples(n = 1e4)
## beta_0 beta_1 sigma
## 1 13.270007 1.261762 1.0792452
## 2 16.144995 0.969353 0.8815271
## 3 8.423935 1.821491 0.8486466
## 4 12.348382 1.364799 0.9329696
## 5 11.573704 1.479493 1.0320564
## 6 7.827031 1.893130 0.8990027
## beta_0 beta_0.lower beta_0.upper beta_1 beta_1.lower beta_1.upper
## 1 10.03133 4.266992 15.35381 1.630204 1.022051 2.254457
## sigma sigma.lower sigma.upper .width .point .interval
## 1 1.011218 0.7788652 1.223042 0.95 mode hdi
plot_post(FootQPostSamples$beta_1) %>% class()
## [1] "list"
gf_dens(~beta_1, data = FootQPostSamples)
gf_point(length ~ width, data = KidsFeet) %>%
slope = ~ beta_1, intercept = ~beta_0,
data = FootQPostSamples %>% head(100),
alpha = 0.2, color = "steelblue")
We can sample from priors too.
Computing the mode is a bit trickier. We are interested in estimating the location of the peak of the distribution, but simply using the value that appears most often in our sample isn’t a very good way to estimate this. We’ll see some functions that estimate the mode (and do other things at the same time) in just a moment.↩︎