Here is where you can find things used, handed out, or mentioned in class.
To find things related to specific class days, to to the daily dope sheet
Part B (NHANES) – This will give you a chance to try things with a different data set and lots of specific direction.
Part C (more practice) – This will let you explore on your own and introduce a few more “extras”.
Alternative (only use if hosted tutorial isn’t working for some reason): Run in RStudio console. Copy and paste one of the commands below – the one for the part you want to do.
learnr::run_tutorial('PlottingBasics2020A', package = 'StatTutor')
learnr::run_tutorial('PlottingBasics2020B', package = 'StatTutor')
learnr::run_tutorial('PlottingBasics2020C', package = 'StatTutor')
I’m also assembling an R package called CalvinBayes. The package includes data sets from a book by Kruschke and some utilties to make our lives easier.
This may be expanded over the course of the semester. If you install locally, be sure to update the package periodically.
I’ve assembled a list of resources related to Bayesian inference here.