Preprocess Data

Games <- readr::read_csv("Data/kenpom2019-games.csv") %>%
  filter(away %in% .$home) %>%
  filter(home %in% .$away)
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   date = col_character(),
##   away = col_character(),
##   as = col_double(),
##   home = col_character(),
##   hs = col_double(),
##   n = col_character(),
##   location = col_character()
## )
teams <- sort(unique(c(Games$home, Games$away)))
index <- 1:length(teams) %>% setNames(teams)
steams <- standardizedTeamNames(teams)
Games <- 
  Games %>%
    home_win = as.numeric(hs > as),
    h = as.numeric(factor(home, levels = teams)),
    a = as.numeric(factor(away, levels = teams)),
    home_game = as.numeric(! grepl("N", n, = TRUE))

Fit models

Gamma Prior on ratings

We can do a little experimenting to see what sort of shape parameter corresponds to what we think about the probability of good teams beating mediocre or poor teams.

  shape = c(0.9, 1, 1.5, 2),
  r1    = qgamma(299.5/330, shape = shape, rate = 0.01),
  r2    = qgamma(  0.5/330, shape = shape, rate = 0.01),
  r3    = qgamma(  0.5,     shape = shape, rate = 0.01),
  topVbottom = r1 / (r1 + r2), # best against worst in all of division 1
  topVmedian = r1 / (r1 + r3)  # more like 1 seed vs 16 seed
shape r1 r2 r3 topVbottom topVmedian
0.9 220.2835 0.0705542 59.67430 0.9996798 0.7868454
1.0 238.1366 0.1516301 69.31472 0.9993637 0.7745506
1.5 321.5494 1.6051441 118.29869 0.9950329 0.7310465
2.0 398.8502 5.6084529 167.83470 0.9861334 0.7038306

The following code could be used with a predetermined shape parameter, but we’ll opt to add another prior distribution for shape and let the data guide us.

ncaa_model_g2 <- function() {
  for (g in 1:Ngames) {
    home_win[g] ~ dbern(Rating[h[g]] * (1 + home_game[g] * home_advantage) / 
                       (Rating[h[g]] * (1 + home_game[g] * home_advantage) + Rating[a[g]]))
  for (t in 1:Nteams) {
    Rating[t] ~ dgamma(2, 0.01)
  home_advantage ~ dnorm(0, 0.01)
ncaa_jags_g2 <- jags(
  model = ncaa_model_g2,
  data = list(
    h = Games$h,
    a = Games$a,
    home_game = Games$home_game,
    home_win = Games$home_win,
    Nteams = max(Games$h), 
    Ngames = nrow(Games)
    ), = c("home_advantage", "Rating"),
  n.iter = 20000,
  n.thin = 3,
  n.burnin = 5000

Here’s a model that uses the data to select the shape parameter.

ncaa_model_g <- function() {
  for (g in 1:Ngames) {
    home_win[g] ~ dbern(Rating[h[g]] * (1 + home_game[g] * home_advantage) / 
                       (Rating[h[g]] * (1 + home_game[g] * home_advantage) + Rating[a[g]]))
  for (t in 1:Nteams) {
    Rating[t] ~ dgamma(shape, 0.01)
  shape ~ dnorm(1.7, 1 / 0.3^2) 
  home_advantage ~ dnorm(0, 0.01)
ncaa_jags_g <- jags(
  model = ncaa_model_g,
  data = list(
    h = Games$h,
    a = Games$a,
    home_game = Games$home_game,
    home_win = Games$home_win,
    Nteams = max(Games$h), 
    Ngames = nrow(Games)
    ), = c("shape", "home_advantage", "Rating"),
  n.iter = 20000,
  n.thin = 3,
  n.burnin = 5000
saveRDS(ncaa_jags_g, file = "ncaa2019g.Rds")

Log Normal/T

Another option would be to try using a normal/t distribution for the log of the ratings.

ncaa_model_lt <- function() {
  for (g in 1:Ngames) {
    home_win[g] ~ dbern(Rating[h[g]] * (1 + home_game[g] * home_advantage) / 
                       (Rating[h[g]] * (1 + home_game[g] * home_advantage) + Rating[a[g]]))
  for (t in 1:Nteams) {
    Rating[t] <- exp(rating[t])
    rating[t] ~ dt(0, 1, nu)
  home_advantage ~ dnorm(0, 0.01)
  nuMinusOne ~ dexp(1/29)
  nu <- nuMinusOne + 1
ncaa_jags_lt <- jags(
  model = ncaa_model_lt,
  data = list(
    h = Games$h,
    a = Games$a,
    home_game = Games$home_game,
    home_win = Games$home_win,
    Nteams = max(Games$h), 
    Ngames = nrow(Games)
    ), = c("home_advantage", "Rating", "nu"),
  n.iter = 5000,
  n.thin = 3,
  n.burnin = 2000
saveRDS(ncaa_jags_lt, file = "ncaa2019lt.Rds")

Quality Control

The tables would be pretty big for these models, so plots are better for looking at rhat and n.eff. Things look pretty good for both models.

gf_histogram(~neff(ncaa_jags_lt, regex_pars = "Rating"))

gf_histogram(~rhat(ncaa_jags_lt, regex_pars = "Rating"))

gf_histogram(~neff(ncaa_jags_g, regex_pars = "Rating"))

gf_histogram(~rhat(ncaa_jags_g, regex_pars = "Rating"))

Posteriors and what to do with them

As it turns out, the two models don’t differ a lot, but the log t model has the teams a bit more spread out in ability (so the probability of upsets is a bit lower). This makes sense since they are using the same likelihood.

Note too that the estimates are not very precise. This is because we really don’t have that much data per team (approximately 30 games), and many pairs of teams have not played. This leaves a great deal of uncertainty about the ratings and hence the win probabilities.

Post_g     <- posterior(ncaa_jags_g)
Post_lt    <- posterior(ncaa_jags_lt)
Post_long_g <- Post_g %>% 
  select(-deviance) %>%
  mutate(step = 1:nrow(.)) %>%
  gather(team, rating, matches("rating")) %>% 
  separate(team, sep = "\\.", into = c("junk", "team")) %>%
    team = readr::parse_number(team),
    Team = teams[team])

Post_long_lt <- Post_lt %>% 
  select(-deviance) %>%
  mutate(step = 1:nrow(.)) %>%
  gather(team, rating, matches("rating")) %>% 
  separate(team, sep = "\\.", into = c("junk", "team")) %>%
    team = readr::parse_number(team),
    Team = teams[team])
Ratings <- df_stats(~rating | Team , data = Post_long_lt, 
                    mean, median, sd, quantile(c(.1, .9)))
Ratings <- Ratings %>% 
  mutate(rank = rank(-median_rating))
Ratings %>% arrange(rank) %>% head(20)
Team mean_rating median_rating sd_rating 10% 90% rank
Virginia 34.461824 26.822432 26.884881 12.519593 63.61942 1
Duke 26.800491 22.321482 17.053686 11.074870 46.94642 2
Houston 20.602086 16.282887 16.589581 8.138635 36.78627 3
Gonzaga 20.456321 16.061217 19.092830 7.714202 37.19099 4
North Carolina 17.876193 14.957631 11.313886 7.833370 30.76834 5
Tennessee 17.599535 14.738763 11.349885 7.689304 30.64736 6
Kentucky 15.300444 13.089050 9.183684 6.867625 26.21275 7
Buffalo 15.121630 12.326218 10.444856 6.566173 26.29588 8
Michigan St. 13.784521 11.882641 7.935310 6.465405 23.07033 9
Wofford 13.892345 11.407173 10.421499 5.435158 24.77533 10
Michigan 12.667269 10.785042 7.574121 5.798902 22.16609 11
Florida St. 11.687488 10.041714 6.673186 5.406143 19.66056 12
LSU 11.303755 9.853212 6.287509 5.359942 18.77253 13
Texas Tech 10.335331 8.863916 6.185495 4.700039 17.54763 14
Kansas 9.862487 8.774954 4.963422 4.917562 15.99742 15
Cincinnati 9.871869 8.459120 6.057576 4.536714 16.70414 16
Nevada 8.627225 7.297923 5.110862 3.901053 14.70705 17
Kansas St. 8.006619 7.036777 4.226825 3.974849 13.08161 18
UNC Greensboro 8.093284 6.913681 4.857412 3.576588 13.84940 19
Auburn 7.580055 6.710302 3.812031 3.853237 12.23940 20
Post_long_lt <- 
  Post_long_lt %>%
  left_join(Ratings %>% select(Team, rank))
## Joining, by = "Team"
Post_long_lt %>% 
  mutate(model = "lt") %>%
  filter(Team %in% c("Wisconsin", "Michigan", "Michigan St.", "Purdue")) %>%
  gf_dens(~rating, color = ~ Team, adjust = 2) %>%
  gf_facet_grid(model ~ .) %>%

Post_long_g %>% 
  mutate(model = "g") %>%
  filter(Team %in% c("Wisconsin", "Michigan", "Michigan St.", "Purdue")) %>%
  gf_dens(~rating, color = ~ Team) %>%
  gf_facet_grid(model ~ .) %>%

Post_long_lt %>% 
  filter(rank <= 16) %>%
  gf_dens(~rating, color = ~ Team, group = ~ Team) %>%

win_probs <- function(team1, team2, post) {
  t1 <- if (is.numeric(team1)) team1 else which(steams == team1) 
  t2 <- if (is.numeric(team2)) team2 else which(steams == team2) 
  r1 <- post[, paste0("Rating.", t1)]
  r2 <- post[, paste0("Rating.", t2)]
  r1 / (r1 + r2)
gf_dens(~ win_probs("Michigan", "Michigan St", post = Post_g), color = ~ "gamma") %>%
  gf_dens(~ win_probs("Michigan", "Michigan St", post = Post_lt), color = ~"logt") %>%
  gf_vline(xintercept = 0.5, color = "red", alpha = 0.5) %>% 
  gf_labs(x = "win probability")

gf_dens(~ win_probs("Michigan", "Wisconsin", post = Post_g), color = ~"gamma") %>%
  gf_dens(~ win_probs("Michigan", "Wisconsin", post = Post_lt), color = ~"logt") %>%
  gf_vline(xintercept = 0.5, color = "red", alpha = 0.5) %>%
  gf_labs(x = "win probability")

gf_dens(~ win_probs("Michigan", "Abilene Christian", post = Post_g), color = ~"gamma") %>%
  gf_dens(~ win_probs("Michigan", "Abilene Christian", post = Post_lt), color = ~"logt") %>%
  gf_vline(xintercept = 0.5, color = "red", alpha = 0.5) %>%
  gf_labs(x = "win probability")

mean(~ win_probs("Michigan", "Wisconsin", post = Post_g))
## [1] 0.5877085
mean(~ win_probs("Michigan", "Wisconsin", post = Post_lt))
## [1] 0.6418992
mean(~ win_probs("Michigan", "Abilene Christian", post = Post_g))
## [1] 0.7281838
mean(~ win_probs("Michigan", "Abilene Christian", post = Post_lt))
## [1] 0.8089126