Stat 241
Engineering Statistics
January 2021

Information about problem sets will be posted here as it becomes available.

Homework done via pencil-and-paper or in RStudio will be submitted using Gradescope. Please

Unless you have other instructions for a specific assignment, the work you submit should be your own work. You may consult with classmates as you work on it, and I encourage working together, but you should do the work yourself. When other students ask you questions, your answer should not be to show a complete solution to a problem but to assist the other student in coming up with the solution.


You should already have received an invitation to Gradescope. Gradescope ( is a system for submitting homework. Basically you scan your hand-written work to a PDF or upload PDFs that you create some other way (Word, RStudio, etc.) Gradescope provides a nice grading interface and has the potential to give you better feedback than most other systems I have seen.

Some instructions/tutorials