Math 252
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
Spring 2022

[Webwork] [Teams] [From Class] [Calendar] [Test Info] [Homework]



Information about problem sets will be posted here as it become available.


Assignments will typically be due at 11:59 pm on the date they are due.


WebWorK assignments are completed online and auto-graded. Problems can be attempted multiple times. This gives you a chance to get some immediate feedback.


You should already have received an invitation to Gradescope. Gradescope ( is a system for submitting homework. Basically you scan your hand-written work to a PDF or upload PDFs that you create some other way (Word, RStudio, etc.) Gradescope provides a nice grading interface and has the potential to give you better feedback than most other systems I have seen.

Some instructions/tutorials

  • How to submit a PDF to Gradescope

  • Note: Please take two important steps to make grading work as smoothly as possible.

    • Submit your work as a single PDF. Gradescope allows you to submit other types of files, but they are harder to work with for the grader. If you work in RStudio or Word, simply save your work as a PDF. Hand-written work can be converted to PDF using one of many online tools or an MFD on campus. Here are a couple examples of ways to create PDFs.

  • Identify which pages of your submission have work for each problem. This way, it is much easier to grade one problem at a time without spending lots of time trying to locate your work.

  • You probably want to keep your work in order, but that isnโ€™t technically necessary, provided you identify the pages associated with each problem. In particular, if you do some work in R and some with pencil-and-paper, you just need to idenfify what is where.