Math 252
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
Spring 2022

[Webwork] [Teams] [From Class] [Calendar] [Test Info] [Homework]


Randall Pruim
office: North Hall 284
phone: (616) 526-7113


Office Hours

It currently looks like the best time for office hours will be MWF @ 3:30.

If those times don’t work for you, catch me at class or send me an email to figure out some other option.

Course Objectives

The student who successfully completes this class should be able to

  1. Describe and analyze algorithms that use graphs.
  2. Apply counting techniques to determine the size of finite sets and to compute probabilities (including conditional probabilities) of events.
  3. Compute and interpret the mean and variance of a discrete random variable.
  4. Identify problems that can and cannot be solved with various models of computation.

Internet Resources


I will maintain an email list of all students registered in this class and will occasionally use it to distribute information and reminders of various things pertaining to this course. If you prefer to read your email from an account other than your Calvin student account and do not have it set up to forward automatically, send me email with the email address you prefer.

While we are online especially, please check your email daily. You are responsible for any information communicated via email.

It is very helpful if you include 252 in the subject line of any email you send me. That helps me locate email from this course in a sometimes overflowing email inbox.

MS Teams

I’ve set up a Microsoft Team for our class. If we need to move online, we’ll use that Team for our class sessions. Students in quarantine or isolation can meet in Teams to work through the class worksheet together, if they like.

I’ll usually send class announcements to both our email list and to the general channel of our Team.

Web Pages

In addition to this home page, I will also maintain a list of web resources pertaining to this course. You are responsible for any information appearing on the course web pages. Items I have prepared and maintain online include

  • a calendar of daily topics, exams, etc.
  • a list of homework assignments and due dates.
  • information about tests and exams (appearing shortly before each test date).

For quick access to these and other resources, see the navigation bar at the top of this page.

Other Important Information

See me

If you are having difficulty with any portion of the course, do not hesitate to see me. Do this as soon as possible, certainly well in advance of any deadlines (like tests) so that we can work to fix the problem.


The required text for this course is Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (7th edition) by Ken Rosen.


Grading will be based on the following approximate weighting:

  • Homework, etc: 15%
  • Tests (3): 60%
  • Final Exam: 25%


Tests should be taken when they are scheduled. I do not generally offer make-up, alternate or late tests. Instead, if you miss one test (for any reason) or if your final exam score is better than your worst test, then your final exam score will be substituted for that test.

Special Circumstances

Occasionally there are special circumstances that require that the rules and guidelines above be adjusted for a particular student. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the student to inform me of the situation as soon as possible, so that the appropriate arrangements can be made. This includes, but is not limited to, students with documented disabilities.