Each student will read a different, approved book for this course. A list of recommended books appears below, but you are most welcome to suggest other titles. Just be sure to get your book approved in advance.
The book report project overall includes three parts:
Sign up for a presentation time using this form.
Each student will make a presentation regarding the book to the class. Presentations should be 5–10 minutes long (followed by questions and discussion for a total of ~ 15 minutes) and include:
You should create a few slides to accompany your presentation. You are encouraged to make your slides using RMarkown, especially if you have never tried that.
RMarkdown is more useful when presenting data analyses than book reports. But if you have never done it, feel free to give it a try. There are two ways to get started:
You can choose “Presentation” when you are creating your RMarkdown document or you can choose a template from the xaringan package.
Experiment a little early on to see which system you like best – it can be a little bit of a pain to switch later because they each use RMarkdown slightly differently.
Accompanying your presentation, you should prepare a 1-page handout with the following:
Bibliographic citation
Summary/abstract of the book, highlighting the main points of the book or the main ways in which it relates to this class, both the technical topics (modeling, visualization, etc.) we have discussed and the ethical and perspectival topics
A few noteworthy or salient quotations from the book.
A personal response.
What did you find especially interesting or eye-opening? Anything you disagree with?
Use of bullet points or outlines is acceptable for this.
Include a link to your handout in the same spreadsheet as your presentation video.
In addition to the presentation in class, each student will prepare a written book report of approximately 4 pages (not more than 1200 words). The book report should include
Use headers to clearly identify the sections of your report.
You may certainly recycle material from your presentation handout, but this report should be both longer and more formal (proper writing style, etc.). Printed reports should use 11 or 12 point font and be formatted for easy reading.
Be sure to get your book approved (even if it is on this list) before reading it. Also confirm that you have access to the book (by purchasing or through a library).
The book you select should be a book you have not already read for another class.