Data contains medal winners from the Winter Olympics, years 1924 - 2014. Note that due to changes over history, places such as East Germany and Germany, and Russia and the Soviet Union are recorded as separate and therefore will not be collapsed into one or the other.
Remade Plot
Change colors; add toggle between stack
and dodge
New Plot - Medals by Country per Event
- From Claus Wilke’s book, I focused on chapter 29: Telling a story and making a point. Reading this chapter led me to making more specific claims about patterns in the data, rather than a general statement about the data as a whole. Still, he also warns against creating graphics that are so complex that they lose sight of what story they are trying to tell. Sometimes, simple is better.
- With this data, it would be interesting to group by different andmore variables, such as year or event. A common conception is that the Netherlands usually dominates Speed Skating, so I would like to look for patterns like this comparing events won by country.
- I think it would also be interesting to see how the addition of more events has impacted medals won.
- Both the most interesting and frustrating part was creating interactivity. It was something I’d never done before, so it was fun to add functionality, but it was difficult to implement, especially on the map. In the future, I’d like to add more interactive features to a map, such as yearly or event breakdown (as mentioned above).
- On Bar Charts
- On Maps
- On Colors
- & many a search on StackOverflow
- Special thanks to Cliff Anderson, Nick Beery, and Tom Takeuchi, as well as the rest of the Data 303 class for code and suggestions to make my plots better