The projects

  1. 2022 Beijng WinterOlympicGames_Plotly by Chen (Wendy) Wang
  2. Global Diet Carbon Footprint by Adam Ritsema
  3. Global Fruit Consumption By Fruit Type And Country(2013) by Haoping He
  4. Here’s Johnny by John Calvin
  5. I Speak for the Trees by Samantha Driesenga sld39
  6. Indian Takeaway Orders by Eleanor Lee
  7. Lego Star Wars by Luca Seazzu
  8. Michigan COVID Data by Adam DenHaan
  9. Netflix Prices Around the World by Cliff Anderson
  10. Oil Spills Impacting US Waterways by Lauren Steffen
  11. Plotly Graphics by Brea Koenes
  12. Plotly Project: World Energy Consumption and Climate by Ben Steves
  13. Population, GDP, Year by Tom Takeuchi
  14. Red Project Grand Rapids - plotly Project by Sonali Bola
  15. UFO Sightings by Daniel Kwik
  16. USA Historical GDP by Nick Beery
  17. Winter Olympic Medal Counts by Sadie Kornoelje


Your task is to create a visualization using plotly in R.

1. Get Prepared

  1. Choose some data

    The data you use for this project may not come from an R package, unless it is one that you created. Otherwise, you may use any data you like. More interesting data makes for more interesting projects.

  2. Read some of Claus Wilke’s visualization book:

2. Fork the projects repo

  1. Fork this repo:
  2. Inside docs/plotly-projects/ create a folder using the naming convention first-last (all lower case, no spaces, use a dash for a separator).
  3. Place all your files for this project in this folder.

3. Prepare an Rmd file that produces an index.html file.

  1. The name of your file must end index.Rmd

    Take a look at John Calvin’s example if you want to name your Rmd something other than index.Rmd.

  2. The YAML header must include the following items: title, author

4. Prepare an HTML file named index.html (generated from your Rmd file).

The file should contain:

  1. Your visualization(s). Your visualization(s) should include at least one interactive element and follow good practices for the display of data.
  2. Any background information needed to understand the data or the visualization.
  3. A description of the data source with links if the data are available online. (This would include a link to data in this repository if that where the data live.)
  4. Any other references/citations as needed.
  5. A section reflecting on your project.
    • What ideas/suggestions from Claus Wilke’s helped shape your visualization?
    • Is there anything more you wish you could do with this data?
    • What were the most interesting or frustrating technical aspects of doing this?

5. Test things out

If you turn on github pages for the docs/ folder of your repo, you should be able to visit your page via a URL.

6. Also submit your source files.

  1. You don’t need to submit the data if it is available online. (But then your project should also load from that online source.)

  2. Your project should be buildable by someone who has access to the files you submit. It should not rely on other information – like files on your computer that are not submitted. [Exception: if there is some reason that you cannot share your data, or if your data is larger than 5 MB, talk to me.]

7. Submit your work via a pull request.

  1. When you are ready to submit your work, create a pull request. You can find out more about pull requests here.
  2. Once your pull request has been accepted, your files should be availble at

8. Prepare to present a walk-through of your visualization

Everyone will get a chance to do a “show-and-tell” about their visualization.

  • Your data should tell a story, so use your time to tell the story.

  • Make at least one connection between the design of your visualization(s) and the things you read in Claus Wilke’s book.

  • You may also talk about some of the technical aspects of creating your visualization (obtaining data, cool features of plotly, data wrangling issues you had, things you wish you could improve but don’t know how to do yet, etc.)


  • Wednesday 2/9: Fork repo. Set up GitHub pages. Make test file.

  • Friday 2/11: Have data selected. Come prepared to work on your project.

  • Monday 2/14: Come prepared to share at least one thing you learned reading Claus Wilke’s book.

  • Wednesday 2/16: Presentations

  • Friday 2/18: More Presentations (if needed)